Kamehameha Schools - Investment Management
Kamehameha Schools’ mission is 97% supported by its Endowment with 3% being supported by tuition, net of financial aid. Annual distributions are targeted at 4% of the five-year fair market value of the Endowment.

Kamehameha Schools by the numbers in 2023


   pre-K–12 campuses




   pre-k to post-high scholarships


   learner experiences in the community


Financial aid




Community investing

* these figures are against a backdrop of 136,000 total Native Hawaiians in the state age (0-24)

Hānai i ke keiki, ola ka lāhui
Nurture the child and the lāhui (Native Hawaiian people) thrives.

At Kamehameha Schools, we champion every learner to explore their potential to lead our lāhui

asset allocation of investment portfolio

Educational Spending

During the fiscal year 2022-2023 Kamehameha Schools spent $486m from its Endowment on education. In alignment with its target, the average spend rate for the last five and ten years was 3.8%.

He ali‘i ka ‘āina, he kauwā ke kanaka.
The land is chief; man is its servant.

Our ‘Āina (Land)

We believe the well-being of our lāhui (Native Hawaiian people) is directly related to the health and condition of the ‘āina. We steward the ‘āina so that it continues to provide the physical, spiritual, and cultural connections that are inherent to Native Hawaiian identity. Endowment real estate lands make up 3% of total acreage (369,544). Agricultural and conservation land comprise 97% and are primarily considered sustainability assets, not included in the Endowment.


   invested in the KS Food Systems Fund


   of revenue generated from KS’ agricultural portfolio


   invested in the stewardship of our natural, cultural and water resources


   of commercial renewable energy for the state is located on KS ‘āina
aina classification